Due to new health and safety requirements imposed by St Marylebone School, we now have to make some changes to the way parents drop their children off in the morning and pick them up in the afternoon. The following changes will have immediate effect from Saturday 14th May and will apply to all our families.
Parents and children will enter the school by the gate next to the sitekeepers’ office as normal. This gate will be open between 9.15am and 9.45am but it will be locked after this period. Parents and children will make their way to the entrance of the theatre, where the children will be collected by their teachers as a class, and taken to their lessons. Parents will NOT be allowed to wander around any areas of the school buildings. Any latecomers, who arrive after 9.45am, will need to enter by buzzing the gate near the sitekeepers’ office. They will then have to report to the sitekeeper, mentioning Ms Alexandra Samara’s name, and to be escorted in their classes by the headmistress herself.
At the end of the day, parents will be able to enter the theatre from 1.00pm, and will remain seated until the teachers bring the children from lessons and hand them over to them, between 1.05pm-1.15pm at the latest. Parents may use the side entrance to exit the theatre if needed.
In the interest of all parties we kindly request that you are on time both at drop off in the morning and pick up in the afternoon.
We hope you appreciate that these changes are for the safety of our students and we thank you in advance for your support.