We would like to remind you that he Parents’ Association of our school will organise a Christmas Party for the Primary School students (Nursery to Y6) on 1st December at 12pm, at St Marylebone 6th Form Centre, at Blandford Street. Please contribute an entrance fee of £3 per child (please give the money to the class teachers if you have not already done so) that will include participation in all activities, which include amongst others a tombola with Greek books and second hand toys.
The PTA is kindly asking the parents to bring to school in the morning any unwanted books in Greek and second hand toys in good condition to be used in the tombola.
Parents who are able to offer any assistance in preparing, organising and helping out during the party, please contact the PTA or its President at mariakkalli@hotmail.com.
May we also remind you about the drawing competition for the Cover of the Programme of the Christmas Celebration (15th December).The children who wish to participate are requested to submit their Christmas drawings to their teachers along with a fee of £1. The winners will be announced during the Christmas party on the1st of December and the three best drawings will decorate the Christmas programme.
Please note that during pick up time on Saturday 1st December, 2019 school calendars and Charms will be on sale at the entrance of the school.
Funds from the event will be used for the needs of our school.
St Sophia’s School PTA