Dear parents,
This is a reminder of the Christmas party/bazaar for the Primary School pupils (Nursery – Y6 classes) that the Parents’ Association of our school organise on the 23rd November at 12pm at the school. Classes will run as normal until 12pm and the children will be dismissed at normal time after the party.
May we kindly remind you to please give the entrance fee of £5 to your children to hand in to their class teacher in the morning. That includes participation in all activities. As per our previous announcement, we will need second hand books and toys for our tombola stall. We would appreciate it if you could bring to school in the morning any unwanted books and toys and leave them in the entrance when you leave your child.
We would also like to remind you that during pick up, the members of the PTA will be selling 2020 Favours for £3, £5 and £8 as well as the 2020 Calendar with works of our children at the price of £10. This year’s calendar looks absolutely amazing, so make sure to buy one or two copies for you and your family in Greece and Cyprus.
As always funds from the above PTA activities will be used for the needs of our school.
Thank you.